

The Bachelor of Education, commonly known as B.Ed., is a prestigious 2-year professional program that individuals can pursue following their graduation. This specialized course is specifically tailored to prepare students for a fulfilling career as educators in schools.

As per the guidelines set forth by the National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE), the completion of a B.Ed. program is a mandatory requirement for all individuals aspiring to become teachers. This requirement underscores the significance and credibility of the B.Ed. qualification in the field of education.

The core objective of the Bachelor of Education program is to equip student-teachers with a comprehensive understanding of the teaching-learning process, primarily focusing on secondary and senior secondary education levels. It is meticulously designed to empower student-teachers with the ability to critically evaluate diverse educational perspectives and seamlessly integrate theory and practice. This integration is pivotal in facilitating an active and meaningful learning experience for students, ultimately fostering the creation of knowledge.

Main Objectives

  • ✔ To inspire pupil teachers to become global citizens and serve humanity through the noble profession of teaching.
  • ✔ To encourage pupil teachers to act as catalysts for modernization, social change, the promotion of social cohesion, international understanding, and the protection of human rights and children’s rights.
  • ✔ To equip pupil teachers with an understanding of the fundamental concepts, inquiry tools, and structures within the field of education in general, with a specific focus on teacher education.
  • ✔ To help student teachers comprehend how children learn and develop, appreciate their diverse approaches to learning, and create learning opportunities that cater to a wide range of learners and learning environments.
  • ✔ To instill knowledge and foster an understanding of various methods and approaches for organizing learning experiences for secondary school students.
  • ✔ To empower them to engage in Action Research and employ innovative practices.
  • ✔ To enhance the skills of student teachers in planning learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. These experiences should be tailored to the learners’ existing proficiency, interests, experiences, and knowledge. Furthermore, they should help students comprehend how to perceive, develop, learn, and make sense of the subject matter within the curriculum.
  • ✔ To empower them to nurture creative thinking among their pupils, thereby facilitating the reconstruction of knowledge.
  • ✔ To provide student teachers with a strong sense of self-identity as educators, achieved through school-based learning experiences and reflective practices that continuously assess the impact of their decisions and actions.
  • ✔ To cultivate communication skills for educational purposes, utilizing Information and Communication Technology.
  • ✔ To impart knowledge and foster an understanding of various assessment procedures and techniques, along with their practical applications in the classroom.
  • ✔ To instill in student teachers a lifelong desire for learning.

Job perspective

  • ✔ One can pursue a career as a teacher in a government or public school by successfully passing the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET).
  • ✔ Another option is to pursue advanced studies in the field of education.
  • ✔ Alternatively, one can become a school counselor by completing a course in career guidance and counseling from a recognized university.
  • ✔ For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, there is the opportunity to establish and operate a school, contributing to the betterment of society.


  • Philosophical foundation of education
  • Psychological foundation of education
  • Reading and reflecting on texts
  • Research review
  • Critical understanding of ICT
  • drama and art in education
  • preliminary school engagement
  • Historical and sociological foundation of education
  • Learner and learning process
  • Assessment for learning
  • Knowledge and curriculum
  • Internship
  • Gender school and society
  • Creating an inclusive school
  • Guidance and counselling
  • Understanding the self
  • Community building program
  • Environmental education
  • Life skills education
  • School leadership
  • Health and physical education
  • Teaching of English Hindi Punjabi physical science life science mathematics and social science.

Curriculum Outline

Semester I (August to December)

Course Code


Course Title Credits in the Semester
Theory Tutorials Practical Credit

EDU- 401


Philosophical  Foundation of Education 2 1 1 4



EDU- 402


Psychological Foundation of Education 2 1 1 4

EDU- 403


Reading and Reflecting on Texts 0 0 1 1

EDU- 404


Research Review I 1 0 1 2
5.  EDU- 405 Critical Understanding of ICT 1 0 1 2
6.  EDU- 406 to EDU-409 Pedagogy I* 2 1 1 4
7.  EDU- 410 to EDU-412 Pedagogy II* 2 1 1 4
8.  EDU-413 Drama and Art in Education 1 0 1 2

EDU- 414


PSE(Preliminary School Engagement) **     0 0 2 2
Total 11 4 10 25
Semester I

**Preliminary School Engagement (PSE-1) (2Weeks)

  1. Writinga reflective journal on observation of school students behaviour and regular class room teaching with respect to pedagogical practices and class room management techniques used by the school teachers.
  2. Reflection on roles and responsibilities of different school staff and Critical study ofthe infrastructural facilities, namely Library, Laboratories, Playground, Sports facilities, Seminar Halls, Auditorium etc which are available in the
  3. The Student- teacher shall also undertake the field activities pertaining to thepracticals during this 



Teaching of English  EDU-406
Teaching of Hindi EDU-407
Teaching of Punjabi EDU-408
Teaching of  Physical Science EDU-409
Teaching of  Life  Science EDU-410
Teaching of Mathematics EDU-411
Teaching of Social Sciences EDU-412


Semester II (January to June)
S. No.

Course Code


Course Title Credits in the Semester
Theory Tutorials Practical Credits

EDU- 415


Historical and Sociological Foundation of Education 2 1 1 4



EDU- 416


Learner and Learning Process 2 1 1 4

EDU- 417


Assessment for Learning 3 0 1 4

EDU- 418


Research Review II 1 0 1 2



EDU- 419


Knowledge and Curriculum 3 0 1 4
6.  EDU- 420 to EDU-423 Pedagogy I* 2 1 1 4
7.  EDU- 424 to EDU-426 Pedagogy II* 2 1 1 4

EDU- 427


PSE-II(Preliminary School Engagement)**      0 0 2 2
Total 15 4 9 28


**Preliminary School Engagement PSE-II (2weeks) 

  1. Organisation of Co-curricular activities by pupil teachers by assisting andparticipating in the organisation of the same and recording experiences of the same in a reflective journal.
  2. Writing a reflective journal on the problems faced by teachers in assessment throughthe scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation by observing the teachers evaluating students and engaging with them to know their problems with respect to implementation of the scheme in their
  3. Thestudent teacher shall also undertake the field activities pertaining to the practicals during this
Teaching of English  EDU-420
Teaching of Hindi EDU-421
Teaching of Punjabi EDU-422
Teaching of  Physical Science EDU-423
Teaching of  Life  Science EDU-424
Teaching of Mathematics EDU-425
Teaching of Social Sciences EDU-426

Eligibility – Graduation with 50% and above for General Category and 45% and above for SC/ST Category

Duration – 2 years

Total seats – 50 (only for girls)


Semester III (August to December)
S. No.

Course Code


Course Title Credits in the Semester
Theory Tutorials Practical Credits

EDU- 428 to EDU-431


Internship I 0 0 10 10



EDU- 432 to EDU-434


Internship II 0 0 10 10
Total 0 0 20 20


English  EDU-428
 Hindi EDU-429
  Punjabi EDU-430
Physical Science EDU-431
Life  Science EDU-432
 Mathematics EDU-433
Social Sciences EDU-434


Semester IV (January to June)
S. No.

Course Code


Course Title Credits in the Semester
Theory Tutorials Practical Credits

EDU- 435


Gender ,School and Society 2 0 1 3



EDU- 436


Creating an Inclusive School 2 1 1 4

EDU- 437


Guidance and Counselling 2 1 1 4

EDU- 438


Research Review II 0 0 1 1



EDU- 439


Understanding the Self 0 0 1 1
6. Optional Course (Any One)        
  EDU- 440 Community Building Programme 0 0 2 2
  EDU- 441 Environmental Education 0 0 2 2
  EDU- 442 Life Skills Education 0 0 2 2
  EDU- 443 School Leadership 0 0 2 2
  EDU- 444 Health and Physical Education 0 0 2 2
Total 6 2 7 15


Semesters Credits in the Semester
Theory Tutorials Practical Credits
Semester I 11 4 10 25
Semester II 15 4 09 28
Semester III 00 00 20 20
Semester IV 06 02 07 15
Total 32 10 46 88


Eligibility – Graduation with 50% and above for General Category and 45% and above for SC/ST Category

Duration – 2 years

Total seats – 50 (only for girls)