With AIRWE, we aim to create an impact in the lives of these girl students, their families, and their entire communities. By delivering excellence in education through a holistic curriculum, eminent faculty, and skilled alumni, we want to enrich the local and national communities on a physical, social, and economic level.


With this program, we have successfully trained 1000 girl students in quality education. These girl students will move into the society and improve the overall socio-economic environment of the local community. Not just the students but the entire family will benefit from the program. At present, 1500 family members have felt a positive socio-economic impact.


Economic empowerment comes as a direct benefit of our program, offering autonomy and growth to our students. These girl students will contribute almost Rs 1 crore per annum to India’s GDP upon the successful completion of their course and obtaining a job. Our students will be able to earn 70% more than their uneducated counterparts, helping in the local as well as national economic growth. By securing a higher income, these students will help reduce the economic divide between urban and rural, by increasing literacy rate and per capita income


Through this program, the social impact on the community has been extremely positive. By educating the less privileged sections of society, we have been able to enable self-employment, create gender equality, and generate better income avenues. We have also been able to positively, spiritually and mentally impact health, crime, and population by improving access to healthcare, reducing crime as well as female foeticide, decrease in infant and maternal mortality rate provide better nutrition to offspring stabilizing population growth, and empowering the community.


Most of the young rural population in India have untapped potential, which could not be explored due to lack of education. It is not just their own lack of education but also that none of their family members have ever received basic primary education. AIRWE has been able to bring such students or what we call first generation students under its learning program. And this has helped boost not just the literacy rate, but their per capita income, their access to facilities as well as their contribution to their family and community. This helps boost the overall socio-economic condition and create a positive impact in society.
With AIRWE’s B.A. Honours, Music program, 79% of the students are first generation students. Educating a first-generation student (the first one to receive education in a household) represents progress for the entire family and brings an inspiration for future generations.
AIRWE programs have been instrumental in introducing a huge percentage of first generation students to the world of education. 100% of students enrolled in B. Ed 1st year, M.A. Music and M,A. Honours (Punjabi) are first generation students. 80% of B.A. Honours (Music) and 70% of B.A. Humanities 3rd year students are first generation students.